Private Coaching
Are you looking for a more Personalized Experience? Need Help? Looking for Video Review? Anna Lee has your back!
Custom Program Design • Video Review • Gait Analysis • Troubleshooting • Ongoing Help & Support
How to use your Program
- I’ve provided two options to suit different learning styles. If you prefer information in smaller chunks, you can view or download individual circuits. If you prefer to see the whole picture at once, you can download the entire Program Manual.
- The exercises are organized into circuits, so you’ll know exactly which exercises to perform together, in what order, and what to do next.
- Each exercise includes a video tutorial link, detailed instructions on repetitions, guidance on when to progress, and is available for download and printing, so you can have it handy while training.
- The full Program Manual features a dynamic Table of Contents, allowing you to click on any circuit or exercise and jump directly to that section. It’s optimized for desktop, tablet, and phone, and you can search the PDF easily using Ctrl + F on Windows or Command + F on Mac.
- If you prefer a printed version, I recommend downloading the full Program Manual and taking it to a print shop for printing and binding. In the US, this typically costs between $15 to $25.
- Work at your own pace and on your own schedule. You’ll have access to all included materials for a full year.
- You now have access to Priority Support! If you have technical questions, trouble downloading materials, need help choosing the right track, or need guidance on how to proceed, just click the ‘Priority Support’ button in your members area, and I’ll respond as soon as possible (before regular email).
Custom Programs
Ongoing Help
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Custom Program Design » $400 USD
Some dog / handler teams are dealing with special situations and need extra attention with regards to exercise selection. So if your pup is transitioning out of rehab and into fitness, has a special consideration, or you’re looking to target a specific area, while avoiding contraindications, a Custom Program may be just what you need!
- A full review of case history and any imaging reports, and noted from other members of your care team.
- 5-8 exercises specifically selected for the needs of your dog, and their current skills and abilities
- These exercises will progress for three tiers total to support big changes in body awareness, stability, strength, and mobility
- Detailed written instructions customized the needs of your dog, including modifications and contraindications
- 4-6 Months of material which can be used for maintenance long term
- 1 Year of video access to all included Video Tutorials
- A beautifully formatted color manual with images that can be used digitally as well as downloaded and printed
- The confidence that Anna Lee has chosen exercises specific to your dog, and that you can move forward with certainty.
- Want to see an example? Check out Ginger’s Custom Program »
Custom Program Design » $400 USD
Some dog / handler teams are dealing with special situations and need extra attention with regards to exercise selection. So if you’re looking to target a specific area, while avoiding contraindications, a Custom Program may be just what you need!
- A full review of case history
- 5-8 exercises specifically selected for your dog’s needs
- Exercises will progress for three tiers total
- Detailed written & customized instructions
- 4-6 Months of material
- 1 Year of access to all included Video Tutorials
- A beautifully formatted color manual
- Manual can be used digitally as well as downloaded and printed
- The confidence that Anna Lee has chosen exercises specific to your dog
- Want to see an example? Check out Ginger’s Custom Program »
Custom Programs
Ongoing Help
Sign Up!
Need some Help? Schedule a Consult, and Anna Lee will answer all your questions!
Gait Analysis » $200 USD
1 Hour Video Call
Seeing something off in your pup’s movement, but not sure what it is? Quantify it with graphic overlay!
- A full review of case history
- Up to 10 minutes of gait video submitted for analysis
- Graphic overlay highlighting Anna Lee’s findings
- Detailed written explanation of any asymmetries
- 1 Hour Video Call to discuss the findings
- Answers to all your questions
Video Review » $150
1 Hour Video Call
Following a Canine Conditioning Coach Program and want Anna Lee to review your video and provide feedback?
- Analysis of 4-6 exercises (8 min of video)
- Graphic overlay highlighting Anna Lee’s findings
- Written explanation of everything that’s going right
- Suggestions to correct any errors
- 1 Hour Video Call to discuss the findings
- Confidence that you are headed the right direction
Troubleshooting Call » $125 USD
1 Hour Video Call
Are you frustrated with a difficult case and need an unbiased opinion to form a path forward?
- A full review of case history
- Review of any diagnostic reports or notes from your care team
- 1 Hour Video Call to chat with Anna Lee
- Discuss your case and troubleshoot the best path forward
- Get all your questions answered
- Peace of mind knowing Anna Lee has your has your back
Discovery Call » $50 USD
30 min Video Call
Not sure where your pup fits in, don’t love email, and want to chat with Anna Lee face-to-face?
- 30 minute Video Call to chat with Anna Lee
- Discuss your pup and decide the best path forward
- Get all your questions answered
- Review your goals and past challenges
- Happy to chat about multiple dogs
- Confidence knowing you’re starting at the right level
Custom Programs
Ongoing Help
Sign Up!
Do you want Anna Lee’s guidance as you move through your conditions program to ensure you execute safely and correctly? Check out the options below!
Accelerated » $525 USD
4 Weeks
8 min of video submitted for feedback per week
Do you want Anna Lee’s eyes on everything? This is the option for you, and includes the MOST feedback available!
- A full review of case history
- 4 weeks of Anna Lee’s feedback
- 8 minutes of video to be submitted each week
- Unlimited questions
- Private Canvas Classroom
- Can be used for multiple dogs
- Peace of mind knowing Anna Lee is reviewing everything you do!
Slow & Steady » $800 USD
8 Weeks
8 min of video submitted for feedback every 2 weeks
Take your time. Learn relaxed with this more laid back approach! Especially good for busy schedules!
- A full review of case history
- 8 weeks of Anna Lee’s Feedback
- 8 minutes of video to be submitted over the course of 2 weeks
- Unlimited questions
- Private Canvas Classroom
- Can be used for multiple dogs
- Learn at your own pace!
Long-Term Lifeline » $300 USD
Expires in 6 months
12 min of total video submitted for feedback
Always have a Lifeline! Transition to working independently with the confidence that help is never far away!
- 12 minutes to be used as needed over the course of 6 months
- Unlimited questions
- Private Canvas Classroom
- Can be used for multiple dogs
- Independence with a Safety Net!