How it Works

How can Canine Conditioning Coach help you?
Do you have a puppy you want to start on the right path while keeping their growing body safe?
Do you want to implement an exercise program to build a strong, flexible, coordinated dog?
Do you have an active dog that’s hard on their body?
Or maybe a Sport Dog looking to reduce the risk of injury?
Do you have a Senior Dog that you want to keep strong, without implementing high impact exercises or aggravating typical age related issues?
If the worst does happen… Do you want a dog that recovers from injury quickly? Do you want a dog who is spry well into their golden years?
Of course you do!! That’s why you’re here on my site!
Choosing the right exercises for your dog can be confusing…
Not sure how to organize exercises into a safe and effective protocol? Which exercises should go together? How to choose exercises that strengthen a specific area? Or improve performance of a specific skill? Do you know how many repetitions to start with… or how many sets… or when to progress to the next level?? Are you overwhelmed by all this?
I have a simple solution for you. Using the exercises in my video library, I have created several clearly defined program tracts that meet the specific needs of dogs falling into several distinct categories. Of course puppies need a different subset of exercises than senior dogs. And sport dogs need to be challenged to meet demands that a non-sport dog will likely never encounter. But no matter which population your dog fits within, I specially designed a program to meet their needs.
Canine exercise programs based on experience and human exercise science.
Pulling on my experience teaching human fitness for two decades, as well as working my own dogs and client dogs through customized protocols, I have laid out a simple and straightforward progression of exercises for you to execute in 20-30 min a day.
Each program includes which exercises to execute together, how many repetitions to start with and how many to progress to. I’ve outlined how many days a week each circuit should be implemented, depending on time restraints and other training commitments. I’ve included information on how to know when to progress these learned skills, and when to move from one circuit to the next.
For the more extensive Strong Dog, Sport Dog and Senior Dog programs, I’ve included optional tracts that target a specific area (rear end, front end, core, foot strengthening), so you can more easily target the weaker areas on your pup, as well as exercise tracts that help improve performance of sport specific skills like turning, collection and extension, and even an enrichment track for non-sport dogs looking to keep things fresh.
Each and every program is designed to be safe for the age of the dog, progress in an intentional manner that makes it easy for your dog to learn, and is based on the most current evidence based exercise principles extrapolated from human exercise science.

Anna’s support was invaluable as she designed multiple fitness programs tailored to my dog’s needs—first general strength training for several weeks, and then targeted exercises to support a lumbosacral disease diagnosis.
She addressed multiple compensations that other professionals overlooked and her attention to detail and quick response were instrumental in my dog’s recovery.
Most of all she listened to me, valued my input, and was willing to break down exercises into smaller pieces that I knew were safe for my dog.
Anna Lee is very open, supportive and easy to talk to. Before I found Anna Lee I struggled to find a personalized plan for each of my three dogs, and someone that could tell me EACH muscle group that was being activated. Most people are not that detailed! Now, after working with Anna Lee, I have a WAY better understanding of the mechanics of each exercise, and what to look for in each dog, their specific compensations, and how to help fix them.
Thanks for all you do for us (LOTS of it for free!!!). I am glad you’re in our dog community!!
Before finding Canine Conditioning Coach it was challenging for me to recognize proper form, and didn’t fully understand the anatomical details. Since working with Anna Lee I have gained awareness of the value of prop setup, and placement of reward.
Her use of mark ups have been so helpful narrowing my focus and my ability to identify form, or lack thereof. It was also really helpful that Anna Lee was flexible in choice of exercises when she recognized one exercise should be substituted for another in order to accomplish desired goals for Raya, who is also my working Service Dog.